The Committee

The Women's Labour Committee is an advisory body to the government created by the modified grand-ducal regulation of 27/11/1984. It studies, either on its own initiative or at the government's request, all issues relating to women's work, training and career development.

The Women's Labour Committee may propose at its own initiative either to the government or to the minister responsible for Equal Opportunities (its relevant minister), all the actions which it feels would improve the situation of women.

The committee is composed of 21 full members and an equal number of alternate members, appointed by the Minister responsible for Equal Opportunities, for a renewable term of three years.

It includes:

  1. four representatives of women's associations put forward by the Women's National Council of Luxembourg;
  2. four representatives of employers' professional organisations;
  3. four representatives of trade union organisations which are most representative nationally;
  4. nine representatives from the government

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